Episode 196: Kinderspiel des Schpiel 2014

Release Date: June 9, 2014

Running Time:  125  min.

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You know? For kids! We play and review the three nominees for the best Kids Game of the Year (the Kinderspiel des Jahres) and then try to predict the winner. This year's nominees include cats chasing slot cars, kids collecting gems from a haunted house, and squires wandering the countryside in search of adventure.

Kinderspiel des Jahres Nominees:  Flizz & Meiz, Geister, Geister, Schatzsuchmeister, Richard Ritterschlag

Recommended Games: Oh No, My Bacon Is Flying Away, Fire Dragon, Speed Cups, Game Over, Terror at the Witching Hour, What Animal Am I?, Get Lost, Flynn!

Complete Show Notes continue after the break.

Kinderspiel des Jahres Recommended Games

O Schreck, der Speck Fliegt Weg!   BGG | HABA | Amazon.de

Feuerdrachen   BGG  | HABA  |  Amazon.de 

Speed Cups  BGG  |  Amigo  |  Amazon.de  | Video

Game Over  BGG  |  La Haute Roche  |  AllGames 4you.de 

Gruselrunde zur Geisterstunde  BGG  |  Ravensburger  |  Amazon.de 

Welches Tier Ich Bin?  BGG  |  Logis  |  Amazon.de

Zieh Leine, Flynn!  BGG  |   moses  |  Amazon.de 

Kinderspiel des Jahres Nominees

Flizz & Meiz  BGG  |  Carrera  |  Amazon.de

Geister, Geister, Schatzsuchmeister  BGG  |  Mattel  |  Amazon.de

Richard Ritterschlag   BGG  |  HABA  |  Amazon.de


Music credits include:

Tetris Theme   by Ed Cox  |  the song

Feeling Chicago  by The Lords  |  the album

Greensleeves  by The Lords  |  the album

Que Sera  by The Rattles  |  the song

Something Else  by The Lords  |  the album


I'm sure there are some goofs in there somewhere

Let us know if (when?) you find one:

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