Essen 2019 - Life of the Party
Release Date: Nov. 5, 2019 |
Running Time: 48 min. |
Views of party games have changed tremendously over the past 20 years. We explore how party games have evolved and how they are helping to expand the game community and drive the success of the game business.
The panel:
Frank DiLorenzo (R&R Games)
Darrell Ottery (Eclectic Games)
Thomas Provoost (Repos Production)
Vlaada Chvátil (CGE)
Rikki Tahta (La Mame Games)
Complete Show Notes continue after the break.
Frank DiLorenzo | R&R Games
Thomas Provoost | Repos Production
Vlaada Chvatil | Czech Games Edition
Rikki Tahta | La Mame Games
Darrell Ottery | Eclectic Games