Episode 100: Roll, Turn, Flip
100: Roll, Turn, Flip Release Date: Apr. 12, 2010 Running Time: 139 min. Listen Now: Download: Enhanced Version - MP3 Version Subscribe via iTunes: Enhanced - MP3 See sidebar for other subscription options |
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Dice. Tiles. Cards. We celebrate hitting triple digits with 3 reviews that fit our slogan, including an in-depth look at Macao.
News & Notes: New show segments, video series
The List: Macao
Table Talk: Chaos
Back Shelf Spotlight: Carcassonne: Catapult
Game Sommelier: 5 great Spiel moments over the past 4 years
Notes from the OCD: Building a game closet
Scribbler #6: Download (pdf) Spiel Super-Trivia!
Prize Deadline Extended: May 5th
Complete Show Notes continue after the break.
Scribbler #6 - Spiel Super-Trivia!
100 questions written/compiled by listener David Schuth. The most correct answers will win a copy of Hobby Games: 100 Best courtesy of The Game Preserve.
The List
Macao Official Site | BGG
Portuguese merchants angle for the most prestige by delivering trade goods and establishing a foothold on the Chinese island of Macao. Uses a fun dice-driven mechanic to collect and disperse action cubes each turn.
Back Shelf Spotlight
Carcassonne: Catapult Official Site | BGG
The wackiest expansion to the Carcassonne series by far. Use a wooden "catapult" to flip tokens in one of four different ways: hit meeples, seduce meeples, target a tile, or try to snatch one in mid-air.
Table Talk
Chaos Official Site | BGG
A quick, quirky card game that takes its inspiration from Go-Fish and Rummy. Collect sets and Order cards, while trying to avoid the dreaded Chaos cards which will nullify all your points.
Notes from the OCD
Game closet shelf height recommendations.
Long game shelves: 20+"
Large game shelves: 14"
Small game shelves: 9"
The Game Sommelier
The challenge: 5 favorite Spiel moments from the past 100 shows.
Next Challenge: 5 games with staying power, titles we have returned to or pine away for since covering them on the show.
News & Notes
New Show Segments
Kid's Table: 5 minute reviews of great family titles
Book Club: we'll read books in advance, discuss them and their spin-off games
A History of Games in 100 Objects: a survey of the history of games using 100 specific objects related to games as a springboard for each segment (thanks to Simon Wilcock aka Steerpike for suggesting this idea)
Designer's Workbench: 12 interviews with designers, one each month. Released as a stand alone segment within The Spiel feed.
Interactive Elements
Leave us voice mail on Skype! Our account name is: thespiel.
Webcam game sessions: spectating, possibly playing.
Live call-in segments
Live video streaming from conventions (with interviews, etc.)
The Video Series
12 episodes per season, each focusing on a specific classic game title.
Act One delves into the history of the game
Act Two show you how to play
Act Three features interviews with individuals and groups playing and supporting the game today with tournaments, clubs etc.
At its core, its a documentary series about the history of board and card games, but we'll approach the subject inspired by the comic and off-kilter wackiness of shows like Good Eats and Top Gear. As the show continues from season to season, we'll include nostalgic and modern titles as well, but the show will always be grounded in the amazing treasure trove of obscure and unknown classic games.
I'll have formal business plan available for review by the end of this month. We plan to be shooting by Summer and for the pilot episode to premiere this Fall!
Music credits (courtesy of Ioda Promonet) include:
"Theme from the Great Wall" by Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra - buy the track
"Story in the Sanshih-Li-Pu Village" by Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra - buy the track
"For A Few Dollars More" by Man Chau Po Orchestra - buy the track
Indecipherable by Tacit Blessing - buy the track
Indecipherable by Love of Apricot Blossom Stream - buy the track
"Let's Roll" by Fly My Pretties - buy the track
"Turn It Up" by Robots In Disguise - buy the track
"Flip Flop Fly" by Lucia Pamela - buy the track
"Turn, Turn My Key" by DayVee and the Rockett Band - buy the track
"Flip Top Girl" by Jan Lundgren - buy the track
I'm sure there are some goofs in there somewhere. Let us know if (when?) you find one!
Top Moments
Can't forget the game marathon. Awesome
Sounds like good stuff coming up! :)
marathon men
Good catch. The marathon should have been mentioned, for sure. We still have some plans we didn't mention in Episode 100 and one of them has to do with the Marathon. We may have found a way to get people involved in the marathon *all over the world!*
Stay tuned. :)
Happy 100
Great Show and Happy 100 !
"Carcassonne, the Catapult" sounds like a hoot. Why not use the small wooden green disks that come with 'Hunters and Gatherers' - I bet they'd be ideal.
Book club sounds kind of fun too. I remember reading Pillars of the Earth around the time I started playing the game: http://beyondswelterskitchen.blogspot.com/2007/10/book-of-game.html
And Top Gear for Gaming sounds awesome. Can I be the stig???
rolling away
Many thanks, Pikey.
Good point, using the discs from Hunters & Gatherers. I'll give that a try next game. I guess the one problem with round bits is they could turn on edge and roll away!
I am looking forward to Pillars and World without End. It would be fun to re-read the Arabian Nights for the book club, too.
I think Dave has to be our Stig. You already want him covered in dice. He's half-way home at that point.
Hmm, I had Dave as the Hamster because of his height :-)
more Clarkson than Hammond
Dave's more Clarkson than Hammond in mindset.
Like it or not, I'm Captain Slow. Sigh...
My own spiel of approval
So here are my Top 5 Spiel memories:
1) The Coppertwaddle moment. Has to be there. It is now legendary.
2) The Cribbage Tree. I loved how you wreaked revenge on the tree that fell on your house. It also inspired me to get back into Cribbage (that and your constant references to said classic).
3) Sushi with the Spiel. Ok, a personal moment, but meeting up with you guys in Indianapolis and enjoying some fine Sushi remains a very happy memory. Oh, and then beating you at Blue Moon City and Caylus Magna Carta :-)
4) The Game Marathon. I really loved this episode - the recording after each game gave a wonderfully aural interpretation to 'time lapse photography'. As the night progressed and tiredness crept in there were ephemeral moments of grumpiness. It gave a fantastic picture of a passing game night and is a format I'd like to hear repeated. (maybe chart the course of a 10 hour Twilight Imperium)
5) 1960. As you pointed out this was one of those episodes where everything just seemed to come together and I was online within an hour ordering my copy. (And never regretted the decision). Mind you I probably would have done the same thing after the War of the Ring episode but I already had the game!
...and finally the Spiel Memory that never happened. 6) Dave having dice tattooed on his head. We live in hope.
Looking forward to another one hundred great shows.
Spiel on dudes.
Glad to know I helped push you back into Cribbage mode.
Are you still blaming me for hours lost on Scopa? Did you know Scopacards.com has an iphone app now? Some days I am glad I don't have one since I'd end up huddled in a corner playing Scopa all day long...
We had another visitor to the padded cell last evening, listener Matt Saunders. We had a great time grilling out (it was a gorgeous night) and played Small World and a self published game he brought designed by a friend. Brought back pleasant memories of our sushi night. Hard to believe it was several years ago!
yes, I have the iPhone app - actually I find it more addictive than ScopaCards.com because it plays so fast. Of course, you need the iPad for Small World. I live in hope
Yes, I live in hope as well! Though I keep trying to justify the purchase because I think it would be great to develop some Spiel apps for the iPad (companions to the video series, with the games included). Surely, that rationalization will work on my unsuspecting wallet one of these days...
Indescribably hard scribbler
The scribbler was hard. I think I got five things that are correct. Thanks for a great episode by the way.
super-trivia deadline extended
They don't call it Super-Trivia for nothin'!
We've had several cries for mercy, asking for more time on the Scribbler. As a result, we are extending the deadline for the contest until May 5th.
We don't expect any perfect scores, so do your best and the person with the most correct answeres wins the prize.
Shelf Depth?
If you covered it, I missed it. What do you view as an appropriate depth for your shelves? They look nice!
12 inches
Hey thanks! It's always nice when a project turns out the way you hope and this one did.
I think at some point I mention shelf depth as 12 inches.