Episode 442 - Sky Team

Release Date: June 14, 2024

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Running Time:   45 min

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The tower has cleared your aircraft and it is time for the final approach.

You and your co-pilot have walked through each step on this checklist a thousand times: adjust speed and altitude, level the plane, deploy the flaps and landing gear and be ready with the breaks when wheels hit the runway. But there’s no such thing as a routine landing. Every airport and every day presents a new set of variables and challenges to overcome. Each of you must do your part to bring this bird home.

Sky Team is a co-operative game for two players who must plan and then alternate placing dice in order to land a commercial airliner at airports around the world.


Sky Team

Designer: Luc Rémond
Art: Eric Hibbler, Adrien Rives
Publisher: Scorpion Masqué, Hachette USA
2 Pl  | 15 min | ages 12+  | MSRP $30 | BGG Entry
Time to Teach/Learn: 8-10


Interstitial music credits include:

Mr Blue Sky  | Pomplamoose  | the song

Sky High | Jigsaw | the song