Essen 2019 - The Con Game

Release Date: Nov. 12, 2019

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Running Time:   56 min.

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Conventions and trade shows are a growing part of the game community on a global scale. We examine the value and necessity of conventions and trade shows from an industry perspective. 

We explore the differences in events around the world and how publishers decide which ones to go to and what they focus on at each event.

The panel:

Ted Alspach  (Bezier Games)

Tiffany Caires (HABA)

KJ Lee (Happy Baobab)

Beth Heile (BGG)

Michał Zwierzyński (Galakta)

Complete Show Notes continue after the break.


Ted Alspach  |  Bezier Games

Tiffany Caires  |  HABA

KJ Lee  |  Happy Baobab

Beth Heile  |  BGG

Michał Zwierzyński  |  Galakta
