Episode 327: Detective

Release Date: June 17, 2019

Download:  Enhanced  | MP3

Running Time:   120 min.

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You are part of a new team at the Antares National Investigation Agency.

Together you work to solve a cold case with roots in World War II. A tapestry of corruption, greed, and violence across the decades is yours to unravel.

Decide what leads to follow first and be prepared to dig deep. Hit the streets... before they start hitting back!

Like Holding On, Detective is a drama-driven game fueled by tragic situations we normally don't associate with fun.

It provides an immersive and innovative experience by embracing technology. This allows Detective to expand the boundaries of what games can be.

Listen in for a full review and discussion!

Complete Show Notes continue after the break.

Detective       Portal Games  |  BGG  

Designers: Przemysław Rymer, Ignacy Trzewiczek, Jakub Łapot  

Publisher: Portal Games

1-5 players  2-3 hours   ages 16+   MSRP $50

The Sorting Table with Beth Heile

In this segment, Beth gives great advice on how to approach your role as host for gaming events.

We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to send Beth an email: beth@thespiel.net or send me email stephen@thespiel.net

The Meal

The menu for the segment was provided by Kristof Tersago. Thanks so much, Kristof for giving us such an delicious experience.

Hay smoked asparagus with beer sabayon

Broccoli Slaw

Grilled Salmon with Mustard Glaze

Roasted Potatoes (optional)

Chocolate Lava Cake


Hay Smoked Asparagus

Ingredients (per person)

3 asparagus

Handful of hay

1 tablespoon of blond beer (nothing too bitter)

Lemon juice

1 egg yolk

Optional: small pieces of smoked salmon, smoked bacon or prawns

To Make the Asparagus

Prepare your barbecue. Make sure it’s a closed barbecue (Weber or green egg style. Otherwise an old kettle will do as well)

Peel the asparagus (optional)

Once the barbecue as reached 130°C (260°+ F), put the hay on the grill (not directly above the fire) and put the asparagus on the hay. Make sure the hay doesn’t catch fire. When using an old kettle, put it on the smallest burner. Let it smoke for approx. 20 minutes

To Make the Beer Sabayon

Frantically stir the egg yolk and beer in a small sauce pan over low heat until you get a creamy mousse. Make sure not to overheat it to avoid that the yolk starts to bake. 65°C (150°F) is what you should be aiming for.

Take the asparagus from the grill, brush of any ashes and put them on a plate.

Pour a bit of beer sabayon over the asparagus and pimp the plate with salmon, bacon or prawns.

Broccoli Slaw

Ingredients (4 persons)

The Dressing

5 tablespoons of mayonnaise

1 teaspoon of mustard

1 teaspoon of grated horseradish

1 teaspoon of granulated sugar

1 teaspoon of salt

½ teaspoon of fresh ground black pepper

The Slaw

1 small onion

3 tablespoons of apple vinegar

500 broccoli (only the stems is okay)

2 midsized carrots

150 roasted and chopped almonds

5 tablespoons of dried cranberries

How to Make the Slaw Dressing

Mix all the ingredients listed

How to Make the Slaw

Grate (certainly not too fine) the onion and mix with the vinegar

After 5 minutes, add the other flavorisers

Peel and grate the broccoli and carrot

Mix with the cranberries and almonds

Add the dressing and refrigerate for 1 to 3 hours


Grilled Salmon with Mustard Glaze

The Salmon

4 salmon filets (best to leave the skin on)

1 tablespoons of oil or melted butter

Salt and pepper

Mustard Glaze

6 teaspoons of mustard seeds

4 tablespoons of mayonnaise

2 ½ tablespoons of mustard (the one with the seeds in)

1 tablespoon of fresh cut dill

2 tablespoons of brown sugar

How to Make The Glaze

Mix all the ingredients listed

How to Make the  Salmon

Make sure there are no bones in the salmon

Pat the salmon dry and cover the flesh part 

(opposite of the skin part) with a bit of oil, salt and pepper

Put the salmon skin side down on a bake plate

Pour the glace evenly over the salmon

Grill for 12 to 15 minutes at 200°C (400°F)


Chocolate Lava Cakes

Ingredients (4 persons)

100 gr Belgian dark chocolate

110 gr butter

2 eggs

2 additional egg yolks

100 gr sugar

50 gr flour

Pinch of salt

Optional to pimp your plate: fresh red fruit or vanilla ice cream

How to Make

Melt the butter and chocolate on low heat

Mix, in a separate bowl, eggs, egg yolk and sugar and mix. Make sure that egg yolk and sugar don’t remain unmixed too long since the sugar can burn the yolk (like chemically, not actual fire)

Mix the flour in the egg-sugar mix until you get a nice smooth batter

Mix the molten chocolate-butter mixture under the batter with a pinch of salt

Put this mixture in a piping bag or leave it in a bowl.

Preheat the oven to 210°C (410°F)

Use bottomless cake rings of about 2 inches diameter. Put butter and flour on the inside to avoid the dough from sticking after baking

Place the rings on baking paper or a silicon plate

Fill each ring for about 2/3 with the mixture. This should be a bit more than 1 inch high

Bake for about 8 to 10 minutes or until the top layer starts to crack.

Serve hot since they will continue to bake for some time even when out of the oven.

Game Pairings

Bruges  (reviewed on Episode 179)

Flamme Rouge  (reviewed on Episode 305)


Remembering James Mathe

James Mathe was a man of many talents in the game community. He passed away quite suddenly just one week ago. Here's a link to James' web site. We'll miss his boisterous personality.  Rest in peace.


Music credits include:

LA Noire - Main Theme  by Andrew and Simon Hale  |  the song

Noire #1  by Music by Pedro  |  the song 

Film Noir Background  |  Lion Free Music  | the song

Happy Retro Cooking Music  |  Relax Music  |  the song
