Episode 326: Holding On

Release Date: June 3, 2019

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Running Time:   85 min.

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It could be tonight, it could be a week, but the end is coming for Billy Kerr. Each day, you and your team of nurses do your best to make him comfortable.

But Billy is not going quietly.

And he's not going to make your lives easy. His troubled past will haunt him to the end of his days unless you help him find peace of mind.

Holding On offers a game experience like no other. It is a drama-driven game that asks us to redefine the boundaries of play.

We don't just witness Billy's story. We play through it - the regrets and triumphs - the decisions that define his path. And in doing so, we are invited to reflect on our own.

It takes an act of true courage and audacity to embrace tragedy as a new voice for games. And that's exactly what Holding On is.

Listen in to explore the game and discover how these brave and bold designers forge a new path for players to enjoy.

Complete Show Notes continue after the break.

Holding On       HUB Games  |  BGG  

Designers: Michael Fox, Rory O'Connor

Publisher: HUB Games

2-4 players  45-60 min   ages 14+   MSRP $40


The Sorting Table with Beth Heile

In this segment, Beth gives an amazing list of equipment she has collected into her essential gamer's toolkit!

And here's the linked list of things I wanted to post with my second segment (Essential Boardgaming Toolkit):

Travel Kit

Silicone Muffin Cups

Silicone coasters

Container Store TellFresh plastic bins

Container Store Lustroware plastic bins

Gerber 4-oz tubs of baby food



Ziploc bags

Tokens / chits / pennies

Dry erase markers

Pens / pencils

Replacement card sleeves (for games you already have sleeved)


Deck of cards

Gaming log / journal

Home Kit

Poker chips (or other generic money)

Laminator (or cold laminating sheets)

Cardstock (I suggest 110 lb packs)

Prototyping / Maker's Kit



LOTS of dice

Full-sheet label paper (preferably Avery)

Foam board

Plastic core board (also called Corrugated Plastic Board)

Guillotine Paper Cutter

Rotary Cutter

Self-Healing Mat

Clear Ruler

Corner Rounder Cutter

Old Games --> Save those bits!

3D printer --> I have the Ender 3 from Creality

We'd love to hear from you! What things do you have in your gamer's tool kits? Feel free to send Beth an email: beth@thespiel.net or send me email stephen@thespiel.net


Music credits include:

Keep Holding On  | Piano Tribute Players  |  the song

Keep Holding On   |  Vitamin String Quartet  |  the song

Fireflies  |  Owl City  |  the song

I'll Keep Holding On   |  The Detroit Cobras  |  the song
