Episode 301: Hardback
Release Date: Sept. 5, 2018 |
Running Time: 81 min. |
It’s the 19th century and you’re a writer. Letters and such.
And you’re looking to break into the world of novel writing.
These novelists get paid by the word so, you’ve set your sights on penning a page turner with lots and lots of pages! You’ll earn prestige as you churn out the chapters and the writer who can finish their masterpiece first will be known as the finest novelist of the age!
Hardback is a delightful, fun and challenging twist on both deck and word building. It will make you look at the simple task of spelling in a totally new way. Each word is an engine that drives your novel forward generating income, abilities, and points.
Complete Show Notes continue after the break.
Designer: Jeff Beck and Tim Fowers
Artist: Ryan Goldsberry
Publisher: Fowers Games
1-5 players 1 hour ages 10+ MSRP $37.82
Game Night Grab Bag
The Category: Games designer by Reiner Knizia
Doug's Bag - VOTE FOR DOUG
Stephen's Bag - VOTE FOR STEPHEN
Music credits include:
I Could Write a Book | Ella Fitzgerald | the song
Book of Right-On | Joanna Newsom | the song