Support The Spiel
Sixteen years. 400+ episodes. Thousands of hours of game reviews, history, and general silliness. That’s over 20+ continuous days of The Spiel. Not that I’m recommending that for anyone unless they want to lose some serious sanity points!
The Spiel has reached critical mass in many respects. We have learned and grown so much and as a result of our many hours of hard work and fun - an opportunity now stands before us.
An opportunity for the show to grow into its own as we move forward.
I believe big things can be built from small acts of generosity and support.
And that’s where you, the listeners, come in.
We hope our work on The Spiel will inspire or convince you to make a financial contribution to the show.
Now this donation doesn’t need to be extravagant to have a significant and lasting impact for The Spiel and for us. Brick by brick - ambitious, creative things can be built. And each of you can help us build it.
With that in mind, here are some ways for you to show your financial support for the show at whatever level you’re able. We have donate/subscripton buttons via Paypal. We also have a Patreon campaign where listeners can pledge their support on an ongoing basis. Patreon supporters and Paypal subscribers are eligible for some small perks based on the amount. Single time contributors will have their names listed below and wlll be thanked on-air during an Aftershow segment.
Check out the buttons in the sidebar to make a contribution.