Episode 123: The Postman Always Brings Dice
Release Date: Mar. 21, 2011 Running Time: 126 min. Listen Now: Download: Subscribe via iTunes: See sidebar for other subscription options |
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What's the rumpus? We dive into the dark waters of international smuggling for a review of Cargo Noir plus three other brand new titles: Nightfall, Chronicle and Shake 'n Take.
News & Notes: Hike, Mirror Mirror, Winter Tales
The List: Cargo Noir
Playbill: Nightfall
Table Talk: Chronicle
The Kid's Table: Shake 'n Take
Game Sommelier: 5 gamerly games improvised from classic games
Mail Bag: Lost die, Balloon Tardis, Dave turns 28
Complete Show Notes continue after the break.
News & Notes
New game from Moosestache Games, the makers of Rowboat. Designed by Kiril Tchangov. Tentative release date: May 2011.
Mirror, Mirror Official Site | BGG
Stratego with physics!. Maneuver your pieces with mirrors to find your opponent's prized letter.
Winter Tales Official Site
Narrative driven board game in development by Italian publisher Albe Pavo. Very intriguing!
The List
Cargo Noir Official Site | BGG | Buy It - Starlit Cit. | Boardgame Guy
Send your time agents through three ages of human history: Might, History, and Reason, to reshape the landscape and your kingdom.
Nightfall Official Site | BGG | Buy It - Starlit Cit | Boardgame Guy
Manipulate your cadre of fiends and monsters to rule the night. This deck drafting card game is fast and brutal and features a fun mechanic called chaining.
Table Talk
Chronicle Official Site | BGG | Buy It - Starlit Cit. | Boardgame Guy
Fantasy themed trick taking game from Japan where each suited card played to a trick triggers its special ability. Victory conditions change each round.
The Kid's Table
Shake 'n Take Official Site | BGG | Buy It - Boardgame Guy
Roll the shape die, circle aliens on your board as fast as you can, because your neighbor will be shaking the alien egg furiously the whole time. The minute the alien head comes up, your opponent will swipe your pen and start rolling and circling their own board.
The Game Sommelier
The Challenge: 5 hobby games that could be improvised from classic game parts
Memoir '44
Galaxy Trucker
Next Challenge: 5 hobby games that could be improvised from classic game parts
Mail Bag
Spieler Flip Florey needs our help. Vote for his balloon TARDIS here!
Music credits (courtesy of IODA promonet) include:
No IODA tracks this time
Non-Ioda Music:
The Mooche by Duke Ellington | Buy It
How Fucking Nocturnal by RIAA | Album
Bidin' My Time by Enoch Light and The Light Brigade | Buy It
Autumn Leaves by The Three Suns | Buy It
Popcorno Revenge by Messer Chups | Buy It
Mister Ghost Goes to Town by John Buzon Trio | Buy It
I'm sure there are some goofs in there somewhere. Let us know if (when?) you find one!
Somm challenge and thanks!!
Great response to the Somm. challenge I gave you! I am impressed. Just so you know it was all in the spirit of the challenge. I know if I was stuck at Aunt Edna's I would be raiding the kitchen and her sewing kits for pieces to use in games. "Okay, now the mothballs represent enemy troops...."
And I want to play the Candy Land Pandemic! That sounds like a riot!! Great, the Mollasses swamp is almost completely infected! I'm not going in there!
Thanks for the shout out about my Tardis as well. I will send you along a picture of a balloon armadillo. I can use every vote I can get! And keep voting everyday until May 15th!
mansions of mad boardgamers
Thanks, Flip. Glad I passed the challenge!
A Spieler (DivineTed on Twitter) pointed out that Matt Leacock's first prototype for Pandemic used basic playing cards, so my Candyland version is sounding more plausible than ever. :) Here's a link to a picture of the first board
Best of luck with the Tardis contest. Hope we can send enough votes your way to tip the balance.
I like the sound of 'Hike' - I am a big fan of "Harbour Master" on the iPhone so it will be interesting to see how the foray into card games goes.
As to the sommelier - well, if it was me I'd just play cribbage all weekend with Stephen. Fun, creative answers but a pointless exercise when you have a deck of cards available :-)
Nice to have finally nailed a Name that Game - and in the same week as Gregory. I am not worthy. You sure you're not trying to forestall the revolution with concessions?
it was in the cards (or dice)
Being the card game übernerd, I'd be happy as a clam with the 4 decks for the weekend (though I would have to modify one so we could play Scopa, too.
As for postponing the rebellion, the dice controlled your destinies, not us. Though they were Spiel dice...
...it's another...
(IS enters from the left wing of your mind, hands on head and flanked by weapon-toting, black leather-clad troopers. He shouts quickly as he is marched across your field of thought. He stops and does a quick double take at Stephen and Dave in the gold lame high-collared capes and skullcaps. Oh of course, “wasn’t us; dice controlled your fate; we never interfere”… the usual line from the Game Lords of Spielifrey, keeping their hands clean as always… hmmph, not buying it…)
Cargo Noir
I haven't gotten to the episode yet (getting close...still behind on all my shows), but I've just got to say that Cargo Noir has fallen completely flat for me. I've played it with 3-4-5 players.
The 5 player game just crawled along, one player did get a slight case of analysis paralysis, but everyone got bored well before the end of the game. We committed to finishing, but nobody saw a reason to stay at the table when it wasn't their turn. Most of us started up second games in the meantime. The 4 player game was the best one, because there were a lot of conflicts going on, but it still just felt like a very average game to me. The 3 player game felt a bit too light, as the players never felt the need to battle each other for spaces. Luckily, the 3 player game was quick.
Cargo Noir is a definite "skip" for me...makes two strikes in a row, since I strongly disliked Mystery Express as well. Hope DoW's next game is better.
target audience strikes again
I think Cargo Noir is intended to be quick. As with most games analysis-paralysis can really kill the experience.
It's also intended for a broad audience of players. It may well be this is a game not trying to speak to your more refined gaming tastes, but I think there's a wide cross-section of players and people new to the hobby/euro market that could find it fun and engaging.
More random thoughts
Finally got around to the episode, and I now can see your point about the audience for Cargo Noir. I Perhaps I was doing with this, a bit of what I tell people to avoid when watching a movie. "Don't watch the movie you want to see, watch the movie they have made for you."
I guess that with Days of Wonder games before, I had built up a bit of an expectation for easy to play games, that still have a lot going on. Ticket to Ride, Cleopatra, and Coliseum are good gateway style games that have a bit of meat for more well-versed gamers. So when I got to Cargo Noir, and finished the game with a "That's it?" feel...I was let down. (BTW, I like the term "refined gaming tastes" I'll remember that the next time I'm playing Poo: The Card Game). I might have been guilty of expecting something different than DoW was wanting to give me.
A sommelier idea or two
How about a modified version of Acquire?
You have Scrabble tiles and the board to make the game grid, there's Monopoly Money, you could use the Uno Cards to denote the shares.
There would have to be changes...but you could at least get the jist of the game using just those pieces.
Another game I just thought of was No Thanks.
Use the houses from the Monopoly set as the betting chips, and you could just mark up a deck of cards for the deck.
good ideas
Both really good ideas! I especially like Acquire with the Monopoly board since thematically the games are somewhat similar.
No Thanks is crowd pleaser for gamers and non-gamers whenever I have played.