GenCon 2015- Flying Frog

Release Date: Aug. 11, 2015

Running Time:  51 min.

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Flying Frog Productions is a company that prides itself on building game worlds with detailed characters and stories. Brothers Scott and Jason Hill join us to chat about new releases for two recent horror-themed game worlds: Shadows of Brimstone and Dark Gothic.

Shadows of Brimstone is a miniatures based adventure game of unspeakable horror set in the old west. Caverns of Cynder adds new scenarios and a dimension filled with malevolent Lavamen. In addition, Doorways into Darkness adds detailed gateway models to easily mark portals to new worlds.

Dark Gothic is a deck building game set in the Revolutionary War period of American history. Colonial Horror adds new heroes, mechanics and ten new villains which can be mixed with the original game or played on its own

Links and show notes continue after the break.

Caverns of Cynder       Link

Doorways into Darkness   Link

Colonial Horror   Link
