Episode 272: Boom Blast Stix is Major Fun

Release Date: Sept. 26, 2017 |
Download: PDF |
Designer: uncredited |
Publisher: Moose Games |
2+ pl 5-10 min ages 6+ MSRP $15 |
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Boom Blast Stix is a spring loaded trap. 32 springs and 32 traps to be precise. Your goal is to set one of these mini traps, place it on the pedestal and hope you don’t set the pile of springs sproinging off in every direction!
Boom Blast Stix reminds us that dumb fun can be the absolute best kind of fun and that losing is actually winning with some games. It might sound dippy, I know, but trust me, Major Fun knows about these things!
Written review continues after the break.
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The Concept
Boom Blast Stix is a spring loaded trap. 32 springs and 32 traps to be precise. Your goal is to set one of these mini traps, place it on the pedestal and hope you don’t set the pile of springs sproinging off in every direction!
The Components
The game comes in a large plastic tube used to store the 32 plastic stix, ingeniously engineered little yellow springs.
Each of the stix is a triangular spring. There’s a flat tab one side which makes it easy to hold. The other two sides are sort of like a ball and socket joint. There’s a nubby round end and a hollowed out end sort of like a glove. To set the spring, you bend the nubby round end so that it fits into the glove with a satisfying little click.
The lid to the tube is a red pedestal, the actual playing surface for the game. The top of the lid is concave, so the stix will nestle down into it as the first few are placed. If you want some height, you can leave the lid on and play on top of the tube. You can also take the lid off and place it directly on the table.
Scatter the springs around the table so everyone has some within easy reach, place the pedestal (high or low) on the table and you’re ready to play!
It’s worth noting that very young kids should only play Boom Blast Stix with supervision. The springs are not dangerous so long as you stay a reasonable distance from the pedestal as you are placing the springs. The stix will click and pop when they go off and fly around which will cause a great commotion but their bark is much worse than their bite.
The Mechanics
There are two easy steps to Boom Blast Stix.
Step one : pick a stix from the pile and set the spring.
Step two : gently place your stix on the red pedestal.
Now what you want to happen is… nothing. As long as the pile of stix doesn’t explode, you heave a sigh of relief and it’s the next player’s turn. If the stack of stix explodes. BOOOM ! The springs wil go flying in every direction with shouts and screams and laughs soon to follow.
If for some reason you knock any stix off without making everything explode, you have to replace the stix you dislodged, making it even more likely you’ll be the one to set off the springs !
What Sets This Game Apart
Two things set Boom Blast Stix apart. One is obvious. One not so much.
The obvious thing is the stix, the springs themselves. They are wonderfully engineered to feel balanced and they snap together with a very satisfying feeling and click that makes them seem like they will hold on for a good while. Notice I said seem… because the truth is sometimes you can just look at or barely breathe on a spring and… SPROING it will go off ! The whole game is built around these springs and if they were not fun to set and set off, the whole game would crash and burn. These little gems are fun to set and sproing even when you’re not playing the game. I may have spent as much time flipping and dropping the springs just for fun as I have actually playing the game.
The non obvious thing is this. Boom Blast Stix reminds us that losing is actually winning with some games. Technically, you lose if you detonate the pile, but, really, who are we kidding ? The whole hope of the group is to see the pile of stix go off. So, really, you’ve just giving everyone what they want – an excuse to laugh and shout… and a reason to set it up and try again. You want to keep going as long as you can, of course, and the tension mounts the more stix there are in the stack. But the person who triggers the explosion is the one who gets to experience the heart and soul of the game. You dont feel like the loser of anything. You gain. Everyone does. A scream, A raucous laugh. A smile. A dive for cover. And most important – a memory of that crazy moment that could last far beyond the game or even the night.
It sounds a little dippy I know, but trust me, Major Fun knows about these things. Boom Blast Stix reminds us that losing can sometimes be the best way to win when you really know how to play.
Final Thoughts
Dumb fun can be the absolute best kind of fun. And that’s the kind of fun you find in Boom Blast Stix.
It’s a visceral reaction, almost instinctual when we encounter it. It takes no forethought or strategy to recognize. It simply is. We all have this ability as children and as adults it can easily get lost or obscured by the pressures and stresses of the daily world and routine. What makes Boom Blast Stix unequivocally Major Fun is the fact that it can trigger or even reawaken that innate sense of mindless fun present in every one of us. We don’t have to question it – simply give into the moment and enjoy what it offers – that small moment of risk and joy we all know, we all remember and we all cherish.